"We'd Love To Help You
Reach Your Health and Fitness Goals..."

If you're looking for a personal trainer in
Revesby then you've come to the right
place. Pure Results Personal Training
offers you the highest level of
results-driven Personal Training in
Revesby, NSW. Our private studio is
designed specifically for losing weight,
toning up, improving energy, developing
lean muscle and increasing your fitness.
The focus of our friendly and professional
trainers is to make you feel welcome, to
listen to you and to provide you with a
clear road map according to your goals,
a detailed and specific training program
which is custom built for your body type,
shape, goals and fitness characteristics
to drive faster results. Together
we will achieve and maintain your health,
fitness and nutritional goals and revitalise
your body.
Results breeds consistency and so does
an environment where people feel
comfortable, appreciated, have fun and
where they can be themselves. We strive
to provide unparalleled customer service
with an emphasis on training hard, but
having a bunch of fun in the process.
Whether you are brand new to working out
or a seasoned exerciser we've got a
program that's just right for you.

From: Robbie Bugo Dip. Ex. Sc
Owner of Pure Results Personal Training
Serving Revesby & Sydney South West
10 September, 2021
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hi I'm Robbie Bugo...I am a Nationally Certified Revesby personal trainer and weight loss specialist and creator of the Combustion Training System. I've been in the industry for over 20 years, trained hundreds of
clients, represented Australia for Speed Skating, written my own published book and have
been a featured expert on "allexperts.com" for the past 7 years. This has allowed me to understand the human body and what it takes to change it.
Welcome to our website. Our aim is to get you better results than you have ever gotten
before. To develop a total and complete fitness solution for you as an individual and be
with you, support you and encourage you every step of the way.
Our experienced and dedicated trainers have been hand-picked and use the most
cutting-edge, highly specialised workouts designed with YOUR goals in mind, to help
you lose fat and tone up safely. |
Our Studio: 144 Centaur St, Revesby Heights |



Personal Training Works Great for Busy People.
Gym Memberships work but only if YOU make it to the gym. Home Gym Equipment works great but only if YOU Use It. Group Exercise Classes work but only if YOU Turn Up. Walking around the block works but only if YOU Walk. Exercise Videos work but only if YOU get off the couch and participate.
Personal Training Works because now it's Not Just up to YOU...It's Up To Us to Help Motivate YOU, Keep YOU Accountable, Make YOU Consistent and Drive YOU Towards YOUR Goals!
We are competitively priced and our programs have been specifically designed
not only for private one on one personal training but also semi-private one on two/three personal training. Our semi-private sessions now make personal training truly affordable especially for people who have always wanted personal training but who couldn't afford it.
We have a system for pairing people up (so there is no need for a partner)...It's a great way to meet new people, build a strong support network and have that extra bit of motivation and encouragement. |
Choosing the RIGHT Personal Trainer is Crucial to Your Success!
If there's nothing more important that I've learned in the past 20 plus years
as a fitness professional is that you must have your fitness program specifically
tailored for you and you alone in order to achieve maximum results. It must be
highly specialised and accommodate your unique goals and requirements.
Now that's not where it ends...of equal importance is that your trainer is suited
to YOU.
Because everybody is different and they all have their own DNA and no two
people are the same. A trainer who is not an ideal fit for you can mean
frustration and training with the wrong trainer can set you back months.
We have a specific set of criteria in which we match you with the right personal
trainer for YOU. It is based on your individual goals, whether you need rehab
for certain injuries, illnesses, life experience, hormonal imbalances, personality,
gender, whether you like a hard trainer or someone less firm and many other
important distinctions that make a winning team. We have a team of trainers
who specialise in certain areas and we make sure that the trainer you get is
a good match.
And let's be honest, there's not much point in training with someone that you
don't get along with or are not connected with. So in terms of personality many
of our clients try out a couple of different trainers to see which one they prefer.
And all the trainers are well versed, understand and are very accepting of this.
Because a happy client means a happy studio.
Many of our clients are split between two trainers, so you get the best of both
worlds...for example one trainer may specialise in cardio-based dynamic
functional exercise and the other in free weight resistant exercise. So you can
get the most out of your workouts.
I believe this component to be a large part of our ongoing success...
Here's what others have said about us and our trainers...
Some of our Success Stories
The pictures you see below are a true representation of the results we have
achieved for some of our clients. They have all been through our program and most of them are still with us.
They are an absolute inspiration for all of us trainers. These are every day people who have pushed themselves
amazing results...a huge thank you to all our clients who have made Pure Results what it is today
"I can't believe what's happened to my body..it's unbelievable" |
"Never thought I could get that lean and
stronger..thanks" |
"It's been a long time since I've been
in this shape..." |
"I feel wonderful...thanks so much to you
and your team" |
"I'm going to keep going and strive higher...thanks guys" |
"I can finally fit into my size 32 jeans" |
"I look and feel great, thanks so much
Pure Results...." |
"I am leaner, stronger and more muscly that
I've ever been" |
"You guys are certifiably nuts...but thanks
so much!" |
"Thanks so much guys...you guys rock" |
"You have to practice what you preach..." |
"I feel great...thanks guys for everything" |
"Thanks so much for helping get into my wedding dress..." |
"Love the training, I've come so far...thanks guys..." |
"Thanks guys for all your help and education..." |
"The pain was definitely worth the results..." |
"Never thought Personal Training would be so much fun, I've been here since you opened, and love it..." |
"Thanks for allowing me to play with my
grand children..." |
"Thanks for helping me get my fitness back to elite competition level for MMA..." |
"I've never been is such good shape, thanks for working
off the fat guys..." |
"I feel great and look fantastic...thankyou..." |
"You guys have given me such a huge boost in the
quality of my life..." |
"I really enjoy training with you guys, I've had some awesome results..thanks..." |
"I never thought I could do this...thanks Pure Results
you guys are really the best..." |
"I really enjoy training with you guys, I've
had some awesome results ..thanks..." |
"Firstly I would like to thank the whole Pure Results team
for all their educational, professional and consistency in helping
me achieve my goals. The studio and everyone apart of it, it’s
like one big family, I absolutely love the training guys. Thanks." |
"Since training at Pure Results I have gained
4 kg of muscle and lost 7kg of fat!
Thanks Pure Results!" |
"The team at Pure Results Personal training are more than just your Personal
trainer they become the person dedicated to helping you achieve your goal
supporting you throughout the journey. They specialise your program to your
specific needs and limitations. They always keep you accountable at all times,
making it easier to stay on track. You don’t just sign up for a personal
training program, you become apart of the Pure Results family." |
“Thanks to the dedicated team at Pure Results
for helping me reach my fitness goals. Not only did
they teach me skills and motivation but they also
helped me make healthier lifestyle choices through
their extensive knowledge of fitness and nutrition!” |
Thanks to the team at Pure Results I can’t thank them enough for
the time and their effort they have pit in with me to reach my goals,
I would recommend them to anyone wishing to change their life
thankyou so much for making a difference in my life. |
"What an experience it’s been training with you guys. I
can’t thank you enough...I’ve kept the t-shirt you gave
me and my old trousers. I can seriously fit both lets in
just one side and the old jumper I have fits two of us
now. Losing all that weight has made such a massive
change in my life. You guys are the best..." |
"Thanks so much you guys...I have loved
the journey, it's been awesome..." |
"The team at Pure Results have been fantastic throughout my journey to a happier, healthier and fitter me, a new and
improved version of me. The team of trainers are professional
and provide encouragement and support while at the same
time making it an enjoyable experience taking me closer to my
goals each time." |
“Robbie! he’s certifiably nuts actually and I think he needs a
team of psychologists to fix his problems. But unfortunately I
have some of the same issues so that’s why I workout with
him. He's really helped me transform my body significantly" |
"Thank you so much guys, you’ve all been truly
terrific!. I just cannot believe how much I've lost
...life is good" |
"Coming here for the first time I thought that it was going to be like
other gyms I’ve been to in the past, but was I wrong. The trainers here
actually care and are very helpful on helping me achieve my goals, also they
make you feel like your apart of the family which I find veryimportant. This is
the best and most fun experience I have had for a long time. If I had the
choice again I would not have chose anyone else." |
Prior to coming to Pure Results, I managed to lose some weight on my own. However I was finding it hard to lose anymore weight. I then began training at Boxmania and
Pure Results and quickly started to see awesome results.
The team are very supportive and provided an excellent environment to train in. Now I look and feel fantastic! |
"A huge thank you to the awesome team at Pure
Results, especially for pushing me beyond my limits. I feel
amazing now and when I look back at my before shots, I
can’t believe how far I have come." |
“Pure Results have helped me lose 11kgs in 6months.
Through great accountability, through tough but fair encouragement in a great atmosphere, they have helped
me attain a much better life style. I feel so much better,
less sluggish, heaps more energy and I am a whole lot healthier. Their nutritional training has helped me
develop a better diet which I can sustain. The weight
loss means I sleep better and generally enjoy life so much more.” |
"The Team here at Pure Results have helped me lose my excess baby
weight. I lost 6Kg in 3 months. The nutritional advice has been
instrumental in getting back into my clothes. I have enjoyed the
challenge each week and have surprised myself with how much I
achieved in such a short time. Losing weight is hard work, but
with Pure Results it is so motivating as you get the results." |
“The team at Pure Results have helped me
heaps. They pushed me and kept me on the
right track to achieving my goals. Thanks!! |
“The guys at Pure Results helped me reach my potential
with excellent knowledge and help with food and
exercise.” |
“I would recommend Pure Results training to anyone.
They have given me the encouragement, support and motivation to reach my goal weight and most
importantly living a healthier life style. I have learnt
so much, and feel Pure Results Personal Training is one
of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle by
eating well, exercising and drinking plenty of water” |
“Since joining Pure Results, I have gained motivation,
will power and the ability to not give up.” |
“I can honestly say I can't remember the last time I was ever
under 70 kgs. I would have never been able to achieve my
fitness goal without the help and support of the entire team
at Pure Results. Thanks to everyone who has helped facilitate, encourage and smash through all obstacles with major
highs and manic lows throughout this journey. In saying that,
we've only just begun so I'm ready for what lies ahead. ” |
“The best thing to happen since joining Pure Results is
not having to say “and” when saying my weight. To go
from 114kgs before joining to what I am now is mind
blowing. My trainer doesn’t like the words “I can’t do it”,
the best part is I’m proud of is when I’m proved wrong.” |
“Pure Results have helped me achieve all my fitness
goals and how I want to feel and look. I haven’t
been my current weight since high school. This
can be attributed Pure Results and their time and
dedication to helping me. Thank you!” |
2014 Fitness Business of the Year - Thankyou to all our wonderful clients and hard working staff & trainers... |
This is what you will gain from working with us:
- Lose Body Fat
- Get Fit and Toned
- Get Fantastic Results
- Discover the Correct Way to Eat
- Discover little known secrets to maintaining your ideal weight…FOR LIFE
- Decrease Stress
- Lose Fat in those annoying trouble spots
- Have Tonnes More Energy
- Fire up your Metabolism and Burn Fat Even when you're not exercising
- Feel Great
- Look and Feel more Attractive
- Feel more Confident
- Deeper Sleep
Here's what you will not get working with us:

- A Packed Out, Unhygienic, Sweaty and Smelly Gym
- Feeling Intimidated by Big Muscle Bound fellas in the Weights Area
- Feeling out of your depth because you are left on your own
- Being given a 'one size fits all' generic exercise program
- Having to wait for equipment
- A trainer that only uses what equipment is available and has no real program
- Trainers that never track or assess your progress
- Trainers who are more worried their mobile phones than their clients
- Trainers who have not got a clue about correct exercise technique
- Trainers who are more interested in themselves than truly helping their clients